Why You Should Consider an Open Floor Plan for Your New Home

Construction & Contractors Blog

Building the home of your dreams may require more money and take longer than buying a pre-built home, but it certainly increases your chances of getting the things you really need versus those you simply want.

One of the major things to think through when designing your new home is the floor plan. House floor plans indicate how the different rooms and areas of a house will interact once construction is complete. Centred around merging the kitchen and a great room, open floor plans continue to be a popular choice for new homeowners. This trend can be attributed to the many great benefits that these house floor plans can provide. 

Check out some of the top benefits of open-concept home designs below.

Enhances natural lighting

Want to brighten up your home with natural lighting? With an open house design, there will be fewer interior walls blocking sunlight out of your living space and more windows letting it in. This will help to maximise the amount of natural lighting streaming into your home.

Creates a feeling of spaciousness

If you're building a house that is quite small, building your kitchen separate from the living room or dining area can make your home feel cramped. An open floor plan will not only brighten up your home's interior environment but also help to create the illusion of more space.  

As well as increasing natural lighting within a home and making it feel larger, open floor plans also make the home feel airier than closed floor plans.

Encourages social activity

The modern home has become a hub of social activity, with more and more people looking to take advantage of the opportunity to interact with friends and family as they go about normal kitchen duties.

As there are no walls or doors separating the kitchen from the family room or guest entertaining area, open home designs allow homeowners to entertain their guests or interact with family members as they prepare the food.

Improves traffic flow

Traffic flow is an integral element of any house design. The people living in a house should be able to repeatedly move from room to room and to an outside space with relative ease. With better natural lighting and fewer walls and doors obstructing your movement within the house, open floor plans promote smooth traffic flow.

While open-concept home designs offer a host of practical benefits, they may not be a suitable choice for everyone. Talk to a new home builder about your specific needs to find out which house plan is right for you.


18 May 2021

Building a new granny flat

We needed to get a new granny flat built, as ours was starting to look shabby and had a roof leak we couldn't stem. We knew it would need some upgraded features so that we could start renting it out for extra income. I spent a lot of time researching which features get the best rental returns and how to get the granny flat built as quickly and effortlessly as possible. I read a lot from a lot of online sources and interviewed other home owners who have new granny flats so we could get the best structure built. This blog has tips for people looking to build new granny flats for their home.